All outdoor dining areas in Tasmania will be smoke-free from March 1 when new legislation takes effect.

The amendments to the Public Health Act 1997 expand smoke-free areas to include all outdoor dining areas at times when food can be eaten, and within three-metres of an outdoor dining area unless it is surrounded by a tall barrier.

Other smoke-free areas being introduced in Tasmania include:

  • In and within 20 metres of the competition and seating area at all outdoor public places where organised sport is being conducted, during the period of the sporting event (including the period 30 minutes before and after the game is played)
  • In all outdoor areas of public swimming pools premises
  • At patrolled beaches, across the breadth of the beach between the flags
  • In and within 10 metres of children’s playground equipment to which the public has access
  • In pedestrian malls and bus malls, and in and within three metres of covered bus shelters.

The South Australian Minister for Industrial Relations, Russell Wortley, has launched a series of DVDs that promote safety in South Australia’s mining and quarrying industries.

Nominations have been called for South Australia’s Smoke-free Air Awards.

Fears that involuntary exposure to chemicals in food and consumer products causes cancer are not supported by evidence, and anxiety about their dangers is diverting attention from proven methods of cancer prevention, a leading Australian cancer researcher says.

The NSW Minister for Resources and Energy, Chris Hartcher announced the appointment of John Hannaford as Chairman of the NSW Mine Safety Advisory Council (MSAC).
Mr Hannaford has held senior roles in State Government including;

WorkSafe Victoria is looking to appoint a new Chief Executive, following the resignation of Greg Tweedly earlier this month after the Victorian Government announced it would strip $470 million over four years from its budget to bolster general revenue.

SafeWork SA has released an options paper addressing aspects of the current review of South Australia‟s public holidays legislation.

The Medical Journal of Australia (MJA) has published a perspective expressing its concern with the ‘little progress’ being made on Australia’s regulatory approach to workplace carcinogen exposure.

A recent survey conducted by Safesearch shows that universities are failing to keep up with demand for workplace safety professionals.

Worksafe Victoria is due to inspect over 200 businesses across rural and regional Victoria as part of the agency's Safe Towns campaigns this week, with a particular aim to address breaches in workplace safety in Bendigo.

The National Transport Commission (NTC) has released a draft regulatory impact statement for public comment, which outlines four options for regulating the hours of work and rest for rail safety workers.

WorkSafe Victoria is looking to appoint a new Chief Executive, following the resignation of Greg Tweedly earlier this month after the Victorian Government announced it would strip $470 million over four years from its budget to bolster general revenue.

The Australian Logistics Council has called for amendments to the proposed Road Safety Remuneration Bill to meet a number of industry concerns.

WorkCover NSW has commenced a new project to reduce workplace injuries and illnesses and improve injury management in the road freight transport industry.

Work safety systems company, SafetyCulture, has release an iPad safety auditing app, iAuditor.

A new study by senior research fellow Dr Peter Smith at the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine at Monash University will examine whether groups such as immigrants and older workers are more vulnerable to injury in the workplace, and why this is so.

The Federal Government has passed the Building and Construction Industry Improvement Amendment (Transition to Fair Work) Bill, bringing the abolition of the Australian Building and Construction Commissioner a step closer.

Transpacific Industries Pty Ltd (TPI) has been fined $170 500 following court action from Comcare, the federal health and safety regulator, after the death of a TPI worker at the Alcoa Wagerup Refinery in Western Australia in September 2009.

The Queensland Mines and Quarries Safety Performance and Health Report 2010-11 is available at:

Comcare is running a series two-day training programs in capital cities aimed at providing knowledge and skills to implement effective and comprehensive workplace health and wellbeing programs.

Sydney printing company Wongtas has been fined $20,000  by the Federal Court for discriminating against a pregnant worker by demoting and then sacking her.

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