South Australian Child Protection Minister Katrine Hildyard has ordered a review of her department's complaints process.

The eSafety Commissioner is demanding major tech companies take action against child abuse.

Safe Work Australia has set the stage for a decade of transformation in work health and safety (WHS) across the nation.

New research shows that most welders are exposed to high levels of hazardous fumes at work, with insufficient protective measures ...

An independent MP wants a new watchdog to address the “toxic elements” within the CFMEU.

A company has been convicted and fined $45,000 following an incident in which two workers fell into a water tank, resulting in one worker becoming paraplegic.

SafeWork SA has suspended the licences of three workers over safety breaches involving powerlines.

The Northern Territory has introduced changes to the licensing of electrical contractors and workers.

Farmsafe Australia says first aid training is needed for one of Australia’s most dangerous industries.

A senior NSW Police officer is involved in an alleged cover-up following a drunken car crash.

In one of the largest data breaches in Australian history, eScript provider MediSecure has revealed that the personal data of 12.9 million Australians was stolen by hackers earlier this year.

Researchers appear to have solved the decades-long mystery of Gulf War Syndrome (GWS).

Bunnings is changing its packaging and storage for lead-containing products following concerns about exposure risks.

Pilots are worried about an alleged decline in emergency aviation resources.

Concerns have emerged in the wake of a significant factory fire in Melbourne's west.

An audit has put Defence's security vetting system under serious scrutiny.

Governments have been accused of inadequately addressing racism, with many even avoiding the term altogether.

The NSW Government wants to enhance mental health support for hospitality workers.

John Setka, the face the Construction, Forestry, Maritime and Energy Union (CFMEU), has resigned amid serious allegations of misconduct involving himself and the union.

South Australia is enforcing new industrial manslaughter laws.

Comcare has released its Work Health and Safety Year in Review 2023.

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For the last few weeks we have been bogged down in the very Earthly matters of royalty, budgets, politics, humanity and celebrity - all good prompts to look away, up into the infinite. 

Health authorities, politicians and scientists have been slowly introducing the world to the concept of ‘One Health’ - an all-inclusive approach to health that extends from the human body right through the global environment. 

This year’s Nobel Prizes honour discoveries that unwind our notion of truth, our understanding of ourselves and the human story, the complexities of cells and the very basics of the universe. 

XENOTRANSPLANTATION - sounds like something that would happen to an ill-fated crew member in Star Trek, but it is also a technical term for using non-human parts to treat or enhance our own bodies. 

I am Tim Hall; a red-blooded, beer-drinking, car-driving Australian male who has no interest in watching sports – at least, not the sports played by humans.

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