Legislation to establish the Parliamentary Workplace Support Service (PWSS) has been tabled. 

The PWSS is designed as a specialised agency responsible for curbing instances of sexual and workplace misconduct within Parliament House. 

The initiative marks a major stride in response to the insightful Set the Standard report by former Sex Discrimination Commissioner, Kate Jenkins.

With a focus on proactively preventing workplace problems and facilitating timely resolutions, the PWSS is poised to become an independent statutory authority. 

The agency should offer comprehensive professional development and training for staff members. 

The government says the PWSS will not only deliver professional development but also extend comprehensive support and resources aimed at enhancing management practices within offices.

The agency is set to be a hub for early interventions, offering assistance to both parliamentarians and staff through coaching, policy guidance, and training. 

It will specifically focus on aiding the implementation of Code of Conduct and behavioural standards, as well as providing guidance for suspension and termination decisions.

Minister for Finance and Women, Katy Gallagher, said creating an independent Human Resources entity is a significant milestone, but notes the government remains dedicated to executing all 28 recommendations of the Set the Standard report, which will require additional legislative reforms.

The Set the Standard report revealed that 33 per cent of Commonwealth parliamentary office workers had experienced personal instances of sexual harassment. 

Additionally, 51 per cent had encountered incidents of bullying, harassment, or assault, highlighting the pressing need for change.