Experts have developed a new method for aged care providers to monitor and compare care. 

South Australian aged care providers can now access an individualised quality and safety monitoring report to measure their performance and see how their results line up with other facilities around the nation. 

The Registry of Senior Australians (ROSA), based at SAHMRI, includes an Australian Clinical Quality Registry. 

The ROSA team, led by Professor Maria Inacio, developed the ROSA Outcome Monitoring System (OMS), now being used to assess the level of care being delivered to individuals. 

The ROSA OMS Reports summarise aged care provider and facility-level performance based on twelve indicators for residential aged care services and fifteen indicators for home care package services.

The indicators were co-designed with an advisory team comprised of aged care providers, clinicians, consumer representatives and advocacy organisations. 

The quality indicators were risk-adjusted to ensure performance comparisons account for the different characteristics and health status of individuals cared for within each facility or provider. 

Five of the indicators align with those included in the Australian Government National Mandatory Aged Care Quality Indicator Program.

Before being released to South Australian aged care providers, the ROSA OMS contributed significantly to informing the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety investigations and the national aged care reforms that are currently underway. Many providers have taken the opportunity to request their copy of the reports since they were made available in late 2022.

“It’s been pleasing to see the overall uptake so far, but we’re still waiting on around 40 aged care facilities in SA to put their hand up for the reports,” Prof Inacio said.

“We’re encouraging those providers to reach out and request a copy to help them improve their future performance.”

The first release of the reports includes information on 4,127 individuals living in 243 permanent residential aged care facilities in SA. 

Of the 12 indicators examined, antibiotic use (51 per cent) had the highest prevalence, followed by exposure to a high sedative load (38 per cent), incidence of emergency department presentations (23 per cent), exposure to chronic opioid use (17 per cent) and antipsychotic use (16 per cent).

The ROSA OMS Reports for South Australian home care package service providers are planned to be released in mid-2023. The residential and home care reports will continue to be made available every 12-18 months, depending on data availability.

South Australian Aged Care providers and facilities can request to receive a copy of their individualised ROSA OMS report by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..