All outdoor dining areas in Tasmania will be smoke-free from March 1 when new legislation takes effect.


The amendments to the Public Health Act 1997 expand smoke-free areas to include all outdoor dining areas at times when food can be eaten, and within three-metres of an outdoor dining area unless it is surrounded by a tall barrier.


Other smoke-free areas being introduced in Tasmania include:

  • In and within 20 metres of the competition and seating area at all outdoor public places where organised sport is being conducted, during the period of the sporting event (including the period 30 minutes before and after the game is played)
  • In all outdoor areas of public swimming pools premises
  • At patrolled beaches, across the breadth of the beach between the flags
  • In and within 10 metres of children’s playground equipment to which the public has access
  • In pedestrian malls and bus malls, and in and within three metres of covered bus shelters.


More information is here.