Archived News for OHS Sector Professionals - July, 2014
As fears about water fluoridation continue in several Australian regions, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) says it will end the debate once and for all.
Small town spills could bring flow-on damage
The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is investigating potential groundwater contamination from a fire-fighting chemical it used for over thirty years.
Drill injury details say risks were known
Poor risk management has been blamed for an accident that left a 26-year old drill rig operator in a wheelchair.
Fibre fears cross state lines, but help fails to follow
Residents have kept up pressure for the ACT Government to enhance its response to the deadly legacy of loose-fill asbestos insulation.
Friendlier fire-suppression still kills the blaze
Queensland laws have prompted the developed of a brand new vehicle fire-suppression system.
Rough conditions in Tassie mines reported
An independent audit of Tasmanian mine safety says inspectors are over-worked and under-payed, among other issues.
Signs show four-wheeled death-rate dropping
Statistics show the message about quad-bike safety may be getting through to farmers, with a hint that the rate of deaths is dropping.
Sweet trains strain against old alarms
Cane growers say their safety systems need to step into the digital age; a warning that may be underscored as the cane harvest gets underway.
Transport fibs and political digs in new union claims
The Transport Workers Union may have been caught in a power-grabbing rort, after it was revealed that the union had bodged its numbers to get more sway in the Labor Party.
Back to work at Barangaroo but issues still fester
More than 1000 workers will go back to work after strike action at Sydney’s Barangaroo construction site, but it is unclear whether it will be on their terms or by court order.
Vitality vaults after six intense seconds
As exercising trends toward the shorter and more intense, a new study could have the elderly going wild for a few seconds per day.
ACT asbestos plague grows
ACT Health has confirmed two cases of lung cancer appear to be linked to asbestos insulation.
Air arrangement set to lift all sectors
Everything from finance to safety is set to take off at Airservices Australia, after some new figures were appointed to the Board.
Locals lend expert help to victims and investigation
Local experts in air safety will assist investigations into the recent attack which led to the deaths of dozens of Australians.
Young engineers on better flowing future
The young stars of tomorrow’s engineering world will face-off against each other in August.
Budget cuts at terrible time could condemn many
Budget cuts could be deadly, as the World Health Organization struggles to stem outbreaks with fewer resources.
Designer decried after engineering on shaky ground
Reports say an engineer in New Zealand has been working for years, even after he was implicated in a major stadium collapse.
Excellent air brings wood-fired warning
A new Environment Protection Authority (EPA) report says Canberra's air quality is excellent, but the city’s love of wood smoke heaters continues to push up pollution.
Organic gas traps could pull new industry from thin air
Tiny organic cages could be used to extract rare, valuable and sometimes deadly gases from the air.
Bad choice of boots and cyber-fears for Army's future
Questions are being asked over the Defence Department’s decision to reject an Australian bid to supply $15 million worth of safety boots, after the contract was given to a company to make the boots in Indonesia.
Drone laws called for in push for privacy
Some MPs say remotely piloted aircraft put public safety and privacy at risk, and there should be new laws to protect them.