The federal health department is taking over COVIDSafe app duties.

The Digital Transformation Agency (DTA) is handing off responsibility for the much-maligned COVIDSafe contact tracing app to the Department of Health as part of a “significant” restructure.

The DTA was given the task of launching COVIDSafe early last year. The Department of Health has always been the COVIDSafe policy owner, but will soon add development and operations to its remit.

The announcement comes just days after a previously secret report on the $8 million COVIDSafe app was made public. The report said the technological solution to controlling outbreaks has been highly unhelpful. 

The hand-over comes as part of the DTA’s shift back to the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet, during which it will lose several delivery functions.

More details on the DTA’s IT remit are accessible here.