Sexual assault allegations could see signfiicant government work delayed.

Experts say Australia’s mechanism for setting air quality thresholds does not adequately protect community health.

Australia’s sex discrimination commissioner Kate Jenkins says the nation needs “victim-centric” approaches to sexual assault claims.

The technology behind solar panels is being adapted to detect deadly toxins.

Research suggests that pill testing at festivals does not encourage people to take more drugs.

Experts say a gap in the reporting of sexual assault and harassment in the public service needs to be addressed.

The Attorney-General has denied a sexual assault allegation, though some aspects of his denial have been thrown into doubt.

The Equal Opportunity Commission has revealed the prevalence of sexual harassment South Australia's Parliament.

Victoria has pledged to create an independent Mental Health and Wellbeing Commission.

Thousands of Brisbane 2011 flood victims have secured partial settlement in a class action.

Australian authorities have released new radio wave exposure safety limits.

Researchers have surveyed the drinking habits of various professions, and found builders are among the biggest boozers.

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