WorkSafe Victoria has announced premium compliance auditors will be targeting businesses in the greater Geelong area as part of a blitz on uninsured employers.

WorkSafe has announced it will visit workplaces in and around Geelong to help them comply with their workplace injury insurance obligations.

WorkSafe’s Director of Premium, Leanne Hughson, said mandatory premium employer payments were the pillar of the WorkSafe Scheme.

“Continuing to enforce Australia’s highest standards in workplace safety and making sure ill or injured workers have proper access to their entitlements are priorities that hinge on us collecting employers’ premiums,” she said.

At the end of June 2012, WorkSafe’s premium compliance program had identified over $800,000 in unpaid WorkSafe insurance premiums and associated penalties.

Ms Hughson said it was against the law for businesses to not hold a policy if their salary payments to workers exceeded $7,500.

“Uninsured employers will be required to pay back the premium owed and may also be penalised.

“Ignorance is no excuse for not paying the correct WorkSafe Insurance premium.

“If you are confused about your obligations, seek help. It’s never too late to start complying and doing so can significantly reduce long-term costs.

The door knock program will run during the month of February. For information about WorkSafe insurance obligations visit