A report released by Safe Work Australia has shown workers are getting back on the job sooner after injuries.

The National Return to Work Survey 2013 has been released, it replaces the Return to Work Monitor that was published by the Heads of Workers’ Compensation Authorities in Australia and New Zealand.

The survey canvassed workers employed in self-insured or premium paying positions, who were injured and submitted a claim in the last two years.

Of the group the report found a two to three per cent increased in the rate of people returning to work, with New South Wales coming out as the leading in workplace injury recovery times.

A total of 4,441 telephone interviews were undertaken with injured workers. Overall the report says people are returning to work at a relatively consistent rate, but does allow for some variation from the fact that Western Australia is involved in the survey for the first time, and the Northern Territory has opted out.

Full details of the methods and outcomes of the National Return to Work Survey are available here.